Like most crocheters and knitters, I always have several projects in progress. I've found over the years that various moods or states of mind will align better with some projects than others.
For those stressful times where there's a lot of chaos or uncertainty, nothing beats a basic knitted piece like the wrap pictured above.
The pattern, "Color-Tipped Scarf" by Purl Soho is a delightfully straightforward pattern of garter stitches in 3 colors. I chose Plymouth Yarn's Highland Wool Souffle yarn in Burgundy, Light Grey Heather (both shown in photo above) and Dark Grey Heather, which will be the other end of this wrap/long scarf. I am also using Sz 11 straight knitting needles, Takumi.
The reasons for a basic stitch project are many, starting with the fact that not having to keep track of stitches or pattern changes means that the ruminating and worry on our minds will not translate into mistakes. In addition, the continuity of the stitch makes the process of knitting or crocheting even MORE meditative as we get into the rhythm of making each stitch.
Knitting, crocheting and other crafting activities, as I have written about many times before, are essential support for the stresses of modern life. Remembering to keep handy a pattern or project that supports us through the rough spots is often better medicine than what a doctor could prescribe. In addition, at the completion of our project, we have a tangible reminder of our strength and perseverance. We can ALL use a reminder of these things now and then, and a warm, colorful and soft reminder seems preferable over just about everything else.
We all joke about how shopping for yarn/fabric is a separate hobby than actually crocheting, knitting or sewing. While this may be true, at times the impulse purchase of yarn will come to the rescue at a later date when we need a near-mindless project to help us navigate a difficult stretch.
I look forward to wearing this large scarf/wrap and am planning to finish it before the cold weather goes away here in Pennsylvania, but it will serve me well even BEFORE it is finished. As an unfinished project, it will provide comfort in its easy rhythmic garter stitch pattern and a distraction from whatever it is that may be troubling me. Once finished, it will warm my shoulders and upper body, and remind me that no matter what life throws my way, I have skills to help me navigate those choppy waters.
Here's to another one of grandma's "recipes" for successful adulting!
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