I moved solidly into the next decade of my life last month, having celebrated my entrance into this decade with a big party last year (that included a knitting-themed cake!).

This year is more measured as I’m moving into that stage where I’m clearing out and downsizing in preparation for retirement in a couple years. As happens at this juncture, I’m finding things I haven’t seen in some time, and I’m thinking about what we leave behind once we exit planet Earth.
While pondering these things, I found the crocheted vest pictured at the top. Many years ago, my grandmother crocheted 2 of these for my sister and I (matching). She passed away right before the 21st century dawned, and almost 25 years have passed since she left us.
Still, she is very present in my life as I am surrounded by things she made with her hands for me. These include doilies, crocheted collars, Barbie clothes (sewn and knitted), dish cloths, baby blankets and more.
Those of us who crochet, knit, sew or do other crafts, leave pieces of ourselves with those with whom we share our creations. I only hope that my children and grandchildren will see these as reminders of my love for them - a love that transcends space and time; like I do when I find things my grandmother made for me.
I can think of no better legacy to leave behind than tangible reminders that someone so cherished that we took our time to make something special for them - one stitch at a time.
I fully intend to stick around for another 30+ years. This means I’ll have lots of time to make more legacy memories for the people I love, and to pass on a family tradition.
(C) 2024 Stitch ‘n Dish