A morning walk on the beach along the Atlantic Ocean coast of the Outer Banks in North Carolina is hard to beat. Still, one year I found myself seaside without my crochet/knitting bag. Thankfully, Google travels with me via my cell phone, and the nearest Local Yarn Shop was easy to locate.
I picked up a pair of Sz 9 straight knitting needles, a skein of lovely ocean blue DK weight yarn and a pattern for a Bamboo Pop Lace Cowl. The shop - Yarn and More - hosts a surprisingly large selection of yarn for it's small footprint and it was a delight to browse through the many, beautiful skeins. The staff was friendly and welcoming, too and I was glad I had ventured away from the beach that day!
Once again, a local yarn shop provided a welcome smile and helpful guidance. It was a place of respite as well as "emergency" supplies! (LOL)
Sometimes, even when we're surrounded by family (maybe especially when surrounded by family!) it helps to step away and re-center ourselves. This can be important on vacation and at home.
According to Mindful Art Studio, we feed our souls when we engage in creative activities. It's an important aspect of self-care - as important as eating healthy, exercisin
g and getting enough sleep!
In my previous blog post, I shared the documented benefits of the yarn arts (crochet & knitting). A literature review (2007, Harvard Medical School's Mind and Body Institute) on the health benefits of crochet/knitting noted in research studies pointed out that knitting/crocheting has been shown to LOWER blood pressure, decrease the heart rate and induce a relaxation response in those that knit or crochet. The benefits found were on par with a yoga practice, deep breathing and jogging.
I don't need much nudging to visit a local yarn shop, but it's wonderful to find out that I'm not just indulging in a favored activity, but also taking care of my health!
If you visit the Outer Banks, be sure you stop by Yarn & More on Virginia Dare Trail. You'll be glad you did!
What vacation-spot yarn stores have YOU found in your travels? Leave a comment and share your yarn-adventure finds!

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